After implementing the methods provided in the challenges we started to listen more carefully to our customers and also changed our approach to them. Alina P. (Poland) I have managed to overcome obstacles, achieve goals, learn to see a topic from another point of view, and apply what I have learned, today I feel stronger and more empowered. Enrique P. (Spain) It is an excellent way to benefit from a self-evaluation – be more aware of your qualities and weaknesses. Dan I. (Romania)


In this challenge we will show you a tool for observing and analysing your adaptability with the view to becoming more flexible in your life. Through this observation and critical thinking you will be able to assess your actions. You will be able to recognize your different motivations and options and as a result to act to achieve the best possible results.


Analyse and reflect on your actions with a view to being more flexible and adaptable.

To Do

I would like you to think about a situation in your daily life that is a key action to you. It is a key action in terms of the time it takes to perform it or it is a key action for the importance it has for the rest of your life. It must be a concrete action that you usually repeat on a regular basis and that you wish to improve or change. A habit, a daily activity, a common problem, something that is important in your life, but that you have always considered that you could improve.

Action Plan

1. Identify the action where you find you are not flexible or adaptable and try to describe it accurately: how do you do it, who is involved, what makes you feel if you carry it out and what makes you feel if you do not do it. Its difficulties and usefulness.


          a. Every day: REMEMBER: Take five minutes to think about the situation in your life that you want to change.

          b. Write in the portfolio:

                    i. DAY 1.- Think for a while that there is in your life, a habit, an activity, a problem, something that you want, and which its development or results could be improved.

                    ii. DAY 2.- Describe a key aspect of your life you want to improve. What do you do? When do you do it? How long does it take? Who do you do it with? Why do you do it?

                    iii. Day 3.- What makes you feel what you do when you get it?

                    iv. Day 4.- What makes you feel what you do when

you do not get it?

                    v. Day 5.- What would be the optimal result?

                    vi. Day 6.- What obstacles exist to not achieve the optimum level of flexibility?

                    vii. Day 7.- What depends on you and what does not depend on you? How could you get rid of those obstacles?

7 Days
Every day for a week.

Daily on the task to be carried out each day.

Achievement and Award

Every day write down a “point” if you have done what it was planned the previous day and propose the new task.