After implementing the methods provided in the challenges we started to listen more carefully to our customers and also changed our approach to them. Alina P. (Poland) I have managed to overcome obstacles, achieve goals, learn to see a topic from another point of view, and apply what I have learned, today I feel stronger and more empowered. Enrique P. (Spain) It is an excellent way to benefit from a self-evaluation – be more aware of your qualities and weaknesses. Dan I. (Romania)

Jesús R., Spain

Customer service

How did you get in contact with the 40 Challenges Project?

I am an enterpreneur with workers in my company and I was let know about this Project from DEFOIN, a entity I collaborate with in the Training Courses.

What Soft Skills where more attractive for you?

Self-motivation, customer service

How many Challenges were you able to fulfill?

In the self-motivation I tried to be focused and objective, concerning myself with completing the challenges in the required time but getting to know myself previously

Regarding customer service, I try to have a more fluid relationship, listen actively and focusing in the offer and maintaining a close contact with both present and past customers.

What concrete results did you get implementing these Challenges?

I am more motivated since I see everything more clearly and feel capable of taking on the new challenges that the current situation requires. I know more than ever the need for self-discipline as well as overcoming negative influences.

I have worked to get to know myself and to listen to myself in the challenge “Think about yourself”, visualizing the best results possible and taking decisions in my current actual situation.

Do you think your work as an entrepreneur will improve?

The adaptability competence is the competence of the moment, not forgetting about the other, that has helped me be more focused, objective and realistic. To know what I am, want to be, and to work actively to close the gap between the two.

Would you recommend the 40 Challenges Project to others? Why?

Yes. The steps to follow and the challenges available will be useful in my activity, and if I manage to keep engaged it will have been worth it, because they are aspects that seem simple or lesser, but have a great importance in the professional development of any entrepreneur.