After implementing the methods provided in the challenges we started to listen more carefully to our customers and also changed our approach to them. Alina P. (Poland) I have managed to overcome obstacles, achieve goals, learn to see a topic from another point of view, and apply what I have learned, today I feel stronger and more empowered. Enrique P. (Spain) It is an excellent way to benefit from a self-evaluation – be more aware of your qualities and weaknesses. Dan I. (Romania)


Decision making is a process of selecting the best among the different alternatives. It is the act of making a choice. Decision making is defined as the selection of choice of one best alternative. Before making decisions all alternatives should be evaluated from which advantages and disadvantages are known. It helps to make the best decisions. It is also one of the important functions of management.


To learn how rational decisions facilitate innovation

To Do

Once you have decided something is true, you are likely to cling to that belief. Those beliefs that you assume are always true. The best way to challenge your beliefs is to argue the opposite. Considering the opposite will help breakdown unhelpful beliefs so you can look at situations in another light and decide to act differently.

Action Plan

REMEMBER: Every day: Think about one specific situation from your life (could a professional or a personal one) and ask yourself some questions. Take five minutes to answer on each question. What do we aim to achieve? The goal of all this is to establish routines of good habits that we go through at various points.

i. DAY 1.- Question #1: “Am I what I want to be?” Be honest! It is hard to make good decisions if you are not happy with what you are doing with your life…

ii. DAY 2.- Question #2: “I decide that this is the best option to communicate with those around us. There is no opposite thing to my belief. Is that a good decision?’’

iii. DAY 3.- Question #3: ‘’Is it true that I could make better decisions if I had in mind the opposite?’’

iv. DAY 4.- In addition ask yourself the following questions: ‘’Can I make better decisions than I did?’’ ‘’Why?’’

4 days
1 task every day

Daily on the task to be carried out each day.

Achievement and Award

Every day write down a “point” if you have done what it was planned the previous day and think about the next task of the day. You will receive a notification by which you are congratulated if you have completed the task of the day successfully!