When it is time to make your decision, be sure that you understand the risks involved with your chosen route. You may also choose a combination of alternatives now that you fully grasp all relevant information and potential risks. Getting others onboard with your decision is a key component of executing your plan effectively, so be prepared to address any questions or concerns that may arise.
To recognize and improve your strategic skills for a smart personal and professional development
Decision making is a vital skill in the business workplace, but also in the daily life. Following an effective procedure like the one outlined here, along with being aware of common challenges, can help ensure both thoughtful decision making and positive results. Look for the lessons that can be gained from each mistake you make.
Is it true that today was not the day you wanted it to be? Set aside time to reflect on your mistakes. Make it a daily habit to review the choices you made throughout the day. When your decisions don’t turn out well, ask yourself what went wrong. Come up with a list of all of the missteps of each day and think about what you can do better tomorrow.
REMEMBER: Every day – at the end of the day: Take ten minutes to choose two missteps of your choices (by reviewing the choices you made throughout the day). What do we aim to achieve? The goal of all this is to establish routines of good habits that we go through at various points.
i. DAY 1.- Write down two missteps of your choices you made throughout the day. Ready? That’s great! Now think about one main thing that you can do better tomorrow.
ii. DAY 2.- Write down two missteps of your choices you made throughout the day. You have to follow the same process and to think about one main thing/activity that you can do better tomorrow. Do you feel like you make a good decision? Why?
iii. DAY 3.- Write down two missteps of your choices you made throughout the day. You have to follow the same process and to think about one main thing/activity that you can do better tomorrow. Are there different decisions? Why?
iv. DAY 4.- Write down two missteps of your choices you made throughout the day. You have to follow the same process and to think about one main thing/activity that you can do better tomorrow. Do you feel a change? Do you feel you can make better decisions? Why?
v. DAY 5.- Gather the lists for all four days and see where there are differences and where there are similarities. Take the information you have gained and commit to making better decisions moving forward.
Daily on the task to be carried out each day.
Every day write down a “point” if you have done what it was planned the previous day and think about the next task of the day. You will receive a notification by which you are congratulated if you have completed the task of the day successfully!