After implementing the methods provided in the challenges we started to listen more carefully to our customers and also changed our approach to them. Alina P. (Poland) I have managed to overcome obstacles, achieve goals, learn to see a topic from another point of view, and apply what I have learned, today I feel stronger and more empowered. Enrique P. (Spain) It is an excellent way to benefit from a self-evaluation – be more aware of your qualities and weaknesses. Dan I. (Romania)

Agustin C., Spain


How did you get in contact with the 40 Challenges Project?

I am an enterpreneur and was contacted by DEFOIN.

What Soft Skills where more attractive for you?

Team work is the most attractive soft skill for my work.

How many Challenges were you able to fulfill?

The team work competences, in which I faced the challenges to make decisions in group and facilitate a positive work environment.

What concrete results did you get implementing these Challenges?

Through the decision making process in group I am being able to get to know my tema better, since we all participate actively in the proposing of improvements and we agree objectively in the decision making process. We discuss business issues, with the opinions of all of us and without technical restriction, so that everyone can bring forward their innovative vision, helping me make the best decisions.

Do you think your work as an entrepreneur will improve?

Both my work and my team’s will be improved. It helps us get to know each other and create a team with solid foundations based on trust and knowing each other.

Would you recommend the 40 Challenges Project to others? Why?

Yes, it is a great project and an opportunity for my company in these challenging days we are living, and the internal cohesion and unity of action sill help us greatly.